Judge Dominique Hascher Appointed ICCA Judiciary Committee Co-chair
ICCA is pleased to announce that Judge Dominique Hascher of the Supreme Judicial Court of France has been appointed as co-chair of ICCA’s Judiciary Committee.
The ICCA Judiciary Committee is the body responsible for ICCA’s flagship New York Convention (NYC) Roadshow Programme. The programme was established in 2012 as a series of colloquia for judges on the 1958 New York Convention, and recognizes the dependence of international arbitration practice on the critical role of national court judges in applying the New York Convention. Judicial workshops are led and organised by members of the Judiciary Committee. For more information on ICCA’s NYC Programme, click here.
Judge Hascher has served as an ICCA Governing Board Member and as a Judiciary Committee Member since 2012. When asked about his appointment to the role of co-chair, Judge Hascher said, “My thanks go to the Executive Committee and the ICCA community for my nomination as co-chair with Mohamed Abdel Raouf with whom I am particularly delighted to work more closely. I acknowledge how much our Committee has already achieved with its Virtual Forum for Judges and the NYC Roadshows. I hope that we can now go a step further and make our Committee a unique interface between the Arbitration Community and the judiciary and engage in renewed dialogues with judges.”
Fellow Judiciary Committee Members Marike Paulsson and Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon were enthusiastic about Judge Hascher’s appointment. Said Paulsson, “Judge Hascher has played an important role in the various NYC Roadshows in India and Africa and has contributed to the launch of the Virtual Forum, a platform for and by judges. With Judge Hascher and Mohamed Abdel Raouf at the helm, the Forum will continue to grow and the Committee will help to build a judicial community aiming for thought leadership in arbitration.”
Chief Justice Menon added, “Dominique's deep experience as a judge and in arbitration, in particular in the context of international dispute resolution, make him uniquely qualified to co-lead the ICCA judiciary chapter. I look forward to continuing to work closely with him in this new capacity.”
Judge Hascher joins co-chair Mohamed Abdel Raouf (former head of CRCICA), replacing Neil Kaplan, who retired on 1 April this year. Abdel Raouf has said he looks forward to partnering with Judge Hascher, adding "The recent appointment of Judge Dominique Hascher to the role of co-chair of ICCA’s Judiciary Committee is a very positive development. I had the chance of witnessing Judge Hascher’s excellent performance in different jurisdictions and am very happy to be co-chairing this Committee with such an esteemed judge and reputable arbitration expert."
Other members of ICCA’s Judiciary Committee include Albert Jan van den Berg, Adriana Braghetta, Silvia Borelli, Lise Bosman, Teresa Cheng, Michael Hwang, Carolyn Lamm, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon and Marike Paulsson.