ICCA’s Guide to the Interpretation of the 1958 New York Convention
The Guide is a clear, concise yet inclusive handbook, written in plain language, on the essential aspects of the scope, interpretation and application of the Convention. Though principally aimed at judges determining applications under the Convention, the Guide, which benefits from the extensive practical and academic experience of its authors (prominent arbitrators and ICCA members) will also be of interest to students, teachers and practitioners as an introduction to the Convention.
The second edition of the Guide is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, Korean, Portuguese, and Vietnamese, with other translations to follow. The first edition of the Guide is available in Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Farsi, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish.
“This Guide will serve as an effective tool in advancing the motto I have repeated on many occasions: Vivat, Floreat et Crescat New York Convention 1958 [may it live, grow and flourish].”
- Piet Sanders
Translators of ICCA’s Guide to the Interpretation of the 1958 New York Convention
- Arabic - Bahrain Chamber of Dispute Resolution
- Armenian - Mushegh Manukyan
- Azerbaijani - Toghrul Guluzada, Shahlar Mammadov
- Bulgarian - Velislava Hristova, Stanislav Cherkesov
- Chinese - Dr. Fan Yang
- Croatian- Dalibor Valinčić
- Farsi - Mir Hossein Abedian Kalkhoran, Reza Eftekhar
- French - Gautier Matray, Perrine Duteil
- Georgian - Young practitioners team coordinated by Sophie Tkemaladze of the Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerment Project (JILEP)
- German - Niuscha Bassiri, Christoph Liebscher
- Greek - Maria Athanasiou, Panagiotis Chalkias
- Hebrew - Tamar Meshel
- Hungarian - Richárd Schmidt, Vanda Harangozó, Dániel Dósza
- Indonesian - A team of interns at KarimSyah Law Firm, Jakarta, coordinated by Karen Mills
- Italian - Michele Potestà, Anna Biasiolo
- Korean - Team coordinated by Kevin Kim
- Malay - Syukran Syafiq
- Polish - Maria Dudzińska, Natalia Jodłowska, Jeremiasz Kuśmierz, Paweł Kwiatkowski, Michał Pochodyła
- Portuguese - Flavia Foz Mange, Gustavo Santos Kulesza, Leandro Tripodi, Rafael Bittencourt Silva, Rafael Vicente Soares
- Romanian - Crenguța Leaua, Ștefan Deaconu, Călin Cosma
- Russian - Team coordinated by Holger Zscheyge
- Serbian - Team coordinated by Maja Stanivuković
- Spanish - Alexander Aizenstatd
- Thai - Supajee Rungroj
- Turkish - Ali Yeşilirmak, İsmail G. Esin
- Vietnamese - Team coordinated by Dzung & Associates, organized by World Bank Group in Vietnam