ICCA-KIAC Conference Programme Now Available

On behalf of the ICCA-KIAC Conference Programme Co-Chairs, Meg Kinnear, Thierry Ngoga and John Ohaga, ICCA is pleased to present the full conference programme.

The conference is centered around the theme “Africa & International Arbitration: Untold Stories” and will discuss legal reform processes being implemented to overcome historical obstacles on the continent, explore current challenges and opportunities for commerce, trade and investment in the region, and predict what the future holds for international arbitration in Africa. 


A fantastic line-up of speakers has been secured, including the following keynote speakers:  


  • Emmanuel Ugirashebuja, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Rwanda 
  • Andrew Dabalen, Chief Economist, Africa, World Bank 
  • Olufunke Adekoya SAN, Independent Arbitrator 


The Programme Co-chairs are looking forward to exploring the theme with the arbitration community, saying:

“There is so much to learn about Africa and the role arbitration can play in its present and future. We invite you to join us at this Conference where leading voices will explore trends, challenges, and opportunities for dispute resolution in the region.”


The Conference is taking place in Kigali, Rwanda on 5 June 2025; we look forward to seeing you there.

View the full programme here



Registration is open for the ICCA-KIAC Conference and early bird rates are available until 31 March 2025.


Register now for the ICCA-KIAC Conference.

Please note that there is a two-step registration process. You should complete the registration form and then submit your payment. If you have any queries, please email info@iccakiac2025.org.