#ICCA2018Sydney draft Congress papers now online 

We are pleased to provide all Congress attendees with access to the draft papers to be presented at the 2018 ICCA Congress in Sydney on 15-18 April.


Please note that the papers posted on this website are working drafts made available to Congress delegates prior to attending the ICCA Sydney Congress. They will be removed from the ICCA website after the Congress and replaced by final versions as published in ICCA Congress Series No. 20 (distributed to Congress delegates in hard copy after the Sydney Congress by Kluwer Law International and made available on www.KluwerArbitration.com).


Working drafts are intended for review by Congress delegates in preparation for the Congress and should not be cited or quoted. All citations should be to the final versions as published in ICCA Congress Series No. 20.


The Congress draft papers are available at: www.arbitration-icca.org/conferences-and-congresses/ICCA_2018_Congress_Sydney.

Please note: access is only available to Congress attendees.