ICCA Edinburgh 2022 Draft Congress Papers are now Available
We are pleased to provide all Congress delegates with access to the draft papers that will presented at the 2022 ICCA Congress in Edinburgh from 18 – 21 September. The 25th ICCA Congress is dedicated to the theme “Arbitration’s Age of Enlightenment?” with speakers covering a range of topics relevant to international commercial and investment arbitration in their papers.
The papers posted online are working drafts made available to Congress delegates prior to attending the ICCA Edinburgh Congress. These versions should not be shared, quoted or cited. They will be removed from the ICCA website after the Congress and replaced by final versions as published in the ICCA Congress Series No. 21. The next installment of the ICCA Congress series will be distributed to Congress delegates in hard copy after the Congress by Kluwer Law International and made available on www.KluwerArbitration.com.
The Congress draft papers are available here.
Please note: access is only available to Congress attendees. If you are registered to attend the Congress but cannot locate the password, please contact us at bureau@arbitration-icca.org.
To register for ICCA Edinburgh 2022, click here.