ICCA announces bidding schedule to host 2022 ICCA Congress

It is with great pleasure that ICCA announces the Bidding Schedule to host the 2022 ICCA Congress. We note that the ICCA Congress Bidding Guidelines have recently been updated; any parties interested in hosting the 2022 ICCA Congress should ensure that their bids meet the requirements specified in the updated Bidding Guidelines. 


Parties interested in hosting a future ICCA Congress may contact the ICCA Bureau to obtain the updated Congress Bidding Guidelines.  Those who have already expressed an interest in hosting the 2022 ICCA Congress will be sent the revised Bidding Guidelines. 


Bidding Schedule:

    15 November 2017: submission by prospective Hosts of detailed outline of candidacy for pre-qualification screening to ICCA Bureau;

    15 January 2018: Executive Body notifies candidates whether they have pre-qualified;

    15 March 2018: prospective Hosts submit final written bids;

    15 April 2018: prospective Hosts present bids to ICCA Governing Board (in Sydney, Australia)


Further queries can be directed to the ICCA Bureau via email to bureau@arbitration-icca.org.