Free access to latest articles from ICCA Governing Board Members

We have noticed that latest articles from our Governing Board members are one of the most popular items on this site. So we are pleased to bring you more! ICCA Governing Board members have kindly shared their latest works in full, giving you an outstanding selection for your late summer reading.

Visit our articles page to read new additions including Emmanuel Gaillard on the sociology of international arbitration, Mohammed Abdel Raouf on the emergence of new arbitral centres in Asia and Africa, Judge Dominque Hascher on French perspectives on the control of international or foreign awards, Bernard Hanotiau on non-signatories, groups of companies and groups of contracts in selected Asian countries, and Klaus Sachs on the group of companies doctrine and interpreting the subjective scope of arbitration agreements - which law applies? We also reveal a sneak peak of what Meg Kinnear has forthcoming in 2017.

We will continue to update this section - keep your eye out for more updates over the coming weeks.