Arbitration and Cybersecurity in the Virtual Age

As part of ICCA’s 60th Anniversary celebrations, the ICCA-NYC Bar-CPR Working Group on Cybersecurity in International Arbitration hosted a webinar on Arbitration and Cybersecurity in the Virtual Age.


With the arrival of the Covid pandemic, international arbitration has changed irreversibly, pushed into the virtual world. Online arbitration has a number of advantages, but of course an increase in online activity goes hand in hand with the increased possibility of cyberattack. Our expert panel consider these threats and the best ways to address them.

The webinar is introduced by ICCA Deputy Executive Director Lisa Bingham and ICCA Governing Board Member Mohamed Abdel Wahab of Cairo University and Zulficar & Partners Law Firm.


On the panel are the following members of the Cybersecurity Working Group:


  • Brandon Malone, Scottish Arbitration Centre, Brandon Malone & Company
  • Stephanie Cohen, Cohen Arbitration
  • Lea Haber Kuck, Skadden
  • Mark Morril, Morril ADR
  • Kathleen Paisley, Ambos