Spotlight on International Arbitration in Miami and the United States

Tuesday Plenary

A mock argument of BG Group PLC v. Argentina—the first investment treaty arbitration case to be heard by the US Supreme Court—will be one of the stops on a tour of international arbitration in Miami and the United States. Other stops will include Miami’s favorable arbitration climate, enforcement of arbitral awards in the United States generally and Florida specifically, arbitration class actions in the US, and an update on the Restatement (Third), The U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration.

Chair: John Barkett (Miami)



1. BG Group PLC v. Argentina Mock

  • Nigel Blackaby (Washington, DC)
  • Matthew Slater (Washington, DC)



  • Judge Kathleen M. Williams (Miami)
  • Judge Rosemary Barkett (Miami / The Hague)
  • Judge Vance E. Salter (Miami)


2. Miami Spotlight: Eduardo Palmer (Miami)

3. Class Actions in Arbitration / New York and Other U.S. Arbitration Venues: Rachael Kent (Washington, DC)

4. Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards in Florida and the United States: Judicial Consistency?: Daniel E. Gonzalez (Miami)

5. Restatement (Third), The U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration: Prof. George Bermann (New York)

Rapporteur: Frank Cruz-Alvarez (Miami)